
Canary Trekking

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Guided walks in Lanzarote with Canary Trekking
Get to know with a team of pofessional nature guides the natural protected areas of Lanzarote by carrying out some guided walks. We will take you to areas out of the mass tourism with a high ecological interest in small groups ( from 6 to 16 persons per guide and excursion). The guided walks we offer are adapted to be accesible to everyone according to its physical conditions, interest and knowledge about flora, fauna and geology. You will perfectly understand how works a volcano by going up to the interior of some craters, one of them filled with a lake of solidified lava, walking across the lava fields, lava channels, tunnels etc. when you walk on the moonscape of Lanzarote (Los Volcanes Natural Park). Also the geological process and the evolucion of flora in the Famara Nature Park in the northern group of mountains of the island . In summer also posible snorkelling in La Graciosa.

We do these treks regularly all year round therefore we don´t require a minimum number of participants to carry it out. Our service includes transportation in our vehicles from accomodation area to the nature park where the walk starts. Also accompaniment by a nature guide in spanish, english or german speaking.

Route 1 : Walking on the moonscape of Lanzarote (Los Volcanes Nature Park). Difficulty: low. - Distance: 6 km - Elevation difference: 150 m - Time: 3 hours
Los Volcanes Nature Park together with Timanfaya National Park are the protected areas which represent the recient and historical volcanism of Lanzarote because they are covered by the eruptions that took place in 1730-36 and 1824.
We carry out a very informative route in which our visitors will be able to discover the amazing world of volcanoes when they walk across lava flows or ascend to volcanic cones where it´s posible to find spectacular craters, lava tunnels, lava lakes, etc. All the volcanic structures are well conserved because due to the arid climate of Lanzarote the evolution of vegetation is very slow therefore the landscape we find it is like a huge open-air museum of volcanology. Also it will be posible to understand how is the slow but constant rebirth of life upon the lava.
In short, this visit will help us to understand how was our planet millions of years ago and how work its inner forces and, at the same time, marvel with a landscape of another world.

Route 2: La Corona Volcano - Famara Cliffs - Valley of 1000 palms Difficulty: medium - Distance: 10 Km - Elevation difference 150 m
Long distance route, in which one can have a good vision of Lanzarote`s north. The hike starts visiting the amazing volcano la Corona. This volcanic cone is the 2nd highest point of Lanzarote, we will visit its crater and after sorround it our next part will be the edge of Famara Cliff where we walk along several kilometers untill we get into a ravine of palm trees that lead us to Maguez, where the journey ends.

Route 3 :Playa del Risco – La Graciosa. (July to October only). Nature Park and Marine Life Reserve of Chinijo Archipelago. Difficulty: low - Elevation Difference: 500m downhill. - Distance: 8 Km.
This route is also in the norhthern part of the island. It is an itinerary with tradition because it was the old way to connect inhabitants of La Graciosa with Lanzarote. We carry it out combining a trekking with boat navigation.This visit starts in Ye an small town from where we descend by the path of Las Rositas to get La Playa del Risco (El Risco Beach), spectacular beach which due to its inaccessibility still remains unspoilt. One can visit also the salt pomds (Salinas del Rio) and afterwards to be picked up by an inflatable boat (zodiac type) to continue our visit to La Graciosa Island. We will land on La graciosa where the visitors who wish to do so can spend some time snorkelling in this Marine Life Reserve. Afterwards we navigate in El Rio (sea stretch which separates La Graciosa and Lanzarote) from where one can marvel with the amazing views of the Famara Cliffs and the smerald sea to reach finally the port of Orzola where the tour ends. For this route, you will need your bathing suit/trunks as we will get wet when boarding the boat. This service includes transportation from Hotel to strting point of the treks and return. Boat transportation, nature gide assistance and snorkelling equipment.

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